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Campaign Notes: Selentia
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Sith'ari, Chosen Heart of the Force

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Post Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 6:36 pm    Post subject: Campaign Notes: Selentia Reply with quote
The Selentine Empire


The Selentine Empire was born in the civil conflict that destroyed the ancient Lysean Empire. As the nobles of old Lysea turned on each other, the Imperial Heir was forced to flee from Lysea with what few loyal Imperial Legions remained. Crossing the Firannos Sea while the Lysean capital writhed in flames, Emperor Marcus Quintus Draconis landed at Daggerpoint, the northernmost Lysean colony. After seizing control, the Emperor declared that the old Lysean Empire had fallen, but the newborn Selentine Empire had risen from its ashes. After securing his hold on Daggerpoint, the first Draconis Emperor launched a ferocious campaign of military expansion north and east, using a combination of military genius and diplomatic savvy to gain alliances and crush his foes. By the end of his campaign, the fledgling empire’s future was secured.

Post-Incursion, Selentia has become the biggest dog in the pound. Siria, and Bartonia were destroyed by the invaders, and Theira turned into a blasted wasteland. The Elenian nobility were savaged by the Paladin War, and Elenia itself is now a Selentine protectorate. The Elves were decimated at Lunarion and the Sundered Isles. There still exist powers that can challenge the Selentines, and they turn their eyes warily to its potential enemies: the Lysean Republic, Arcania, and K’rra’gith’farak.

Military Strength:

The Empire has never forgotten that it was born of strife and war. Throughout its history, Selentia has constantly maintained the largest army in Pharagos. A network of roads, forts, and watchtowers has constantly provided a strong logistic base for defensive and offensive operations. Disciplined legions patrol the frontiers, quell monster assaults, and enforce imperial law and order with a mailed fist. The strength of the legions lies in its heavy infantry, while light and medium cavalry play more of a supporting role. The main weaknesses of the Imperial Legions are their lack of sufficient magical and naval support.

The Empire’s armed forces stood it in good stead during the dark years of the Incursion. While the militias and noble retinues of Siria, Bartonia, and Elenia were scattered by the relentless Gith, the implacable legions held their ground, stabilizing the battle lines as they rushed to defend the Elenian border. Hammered time and time again, the legions barely flinched, giving ground only gradually. Though the Alliance army that defeated Vlaakith at the Raukoth Plains was composed of Elenians, Mandrakori, Black Watch elves, Arcanian Eldritch Knights, dwarves, Illithid and grimlocks, the citizens of Selentia have never forgotten that the heart of steel behind the force was the Imperial Legions.


The Selentines prize law and order above all, next only to military might. Natural born organizers, adapters, and engineers, the Selentine people have managed to carve out a fair sized empire through grit, determination, hard work, and ruthless military efficiency. Their network of roads, aqueducts, forts, towers, and townships is the Empire’s pride and the envy of most of the civilized world. Even the elves and dwarves admit a certain admiration for their engineering prowess, though of course they say that “nothing these humans build will ever equal elven grace and aesthetics, or dwarven strength and stonecunning”.

While often seen as arrogant human supremacists, the Selentines are far more cosmopolitan than they first appear. While many Selentines have a manifest destiny complex, their love for efficiency and adaptability also makes them open to new ideas whether in magic, trade, engineering, or war. While not quite as culturally refined as the merchant princes of Lysea, the Selentines have their own strong literary and artistic tradition, usually upholding military virtues and the glory of the empire.
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Eternal Elan

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Post Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 12:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote
OH MY GOD!!!! history has always been boring but a little history won't hurt.
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Post Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 6:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote
I don't find this boring. I actually read this things. ^__^
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Eternal Elan

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Post Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 9:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote
I didn't mean to say that this article was boring it was cute. The history I was talking about was the one in classes not this. hehehe the little history i was talking about was this one.hehehe
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Sith'ari, Chosen Heart of the Force

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Post Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 12:03 pm    Post subject: Historical update: 624 Imperial Reckoning Reply with quote
Historical update: 624 Imperial Reckoning

NPCs of note in Selentia as of 624 IR

Emperor Gaius Marius III
A rarity in recent Selentine history, Gaius Marius III is a warrior-king, unlike his predecessors, who were far more concerned with palace debauchery and luxuries (little better then effete Lyseans, according to the new Emperor). The fourth son of the previous Emperor, Marius was not expected to play an important role in the succession, hence his decision to join the Imperial Legions, where he served with distinction under the tutelage of Preator Aleksandr Lykurgos, warlord of Selentia's Eastern Military Command. In the Legions, Marius grew from being the forgotten fourth son of the Imperial Line to a being a hero of the Legions for his daring command style, his tactical skills, and his personal charisma. So vocal were the accolades heaped upon Marius that the Emperor grew fearful of a military coup led by his own son. Marius was recalled to Khitomer for reassignment (some even whisper that there was an order for his assassination upon the prince's arrival).

Marius arrived at the eve of the Night of Bloody Knives. He and his bodyguard of Praetorians had just settled down in the Imperial Palace when Githyanki assassins launched their simultaneous strikes all across Pharagos. Beset on all sides by Gith attackers, Marius and his guardsmen still managed to hold off against superior odds, surviving the initial onslaught. The gith finally decided to unleash a dragon upon the surviving Praetorians, only to have their plans thwarted by the arrival of The Heroes of the Gith War. This timely rescue is often seen as the beginning of the close friendship between Emperor Gaius Marius and Vrahn Targaryen of Arcania, a friendship that has resulted in stabilized relationships between the two neighboring states.

In one night, Marius had risen from being a minor son who had fallen out of favor, to Emperor of Selentia. Marius wasted no time in meeting the Gith threat head on, and it is due in great part to his personal charisma and his calls for unity that the Alliance nations managed to set aside their differences and band together against the Gith.

The aftermath of the Gith war has been a time of uncertainty for the young Emperor. To the south, Lysea, relatively undamaged during the Gith War, has taken up military adventurism, and there have been a few skirmishes between Lysean and Selentine vessels in the Firannos Sea. Radicals among the Imperial Senate are calling for an all-out assault upon the Lysean Republic, a course that the Emperor views as disastrous. The Emperor has managed to silence claims of his weakness by annexing Elenia during the chaos following the debacle of the Paladin War. Selentine Legions, in cooperation with the Knights of the Silver Dragon, have managed to stabalize Elenia to the point that Imperial troops managed to halt a major Gith assault intended to capitalize on the chaos in Elenia.

Emperor Marius seeks to finish the war against the Gith of K'rra'Gith'farak, but his Legions are stretched thin. Unless the Iron Isles crises can be resolved, the Emperor may have to shelve his plans until the situation with Lysea can be stabilized.

Praetor Aleksandr Lykurgos
One of the most senior Praetors of the Selentine Empire, Lykurgos has the ear and trust of the reigning Emperor. A vir militaris (military man) of the old school, Lykurgos was the mentor of Emperor Marius during Marius' years in the Legions. A stern and gruff disciplinarian, Lykurgos has advocated a direct assault upon the Iron Isles and Lysea more than once, but has not yet disobeyed the Emperor's orders.

Recently assigned as an ambassador to the Iron Isles, Lykurgos is using his position to observe the Ironborn and their military preparations, and has come to realize that a full-scale assault upon the Isles, while possibly successful, would, in the end be a Phyrric victory. He has been forced to admit that perhaps diplomacy should be the answer to the Firannos Crises. Lykurgos is focusing his attentions on young Talon Kasra-von Hiregaard, heir apparent to the aging Lord Thorin Kasra.
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Sith'ari, Chosen Heart of the Force

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Post Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 9:04 pm    Post subject: Selentine Imperial Legions & Auxilia Reply with quote
With BJ's recent acquisition of Heroes of Battle, we're experimenting with some of the rules. In line with that, here's a quick overview of the Selentine Legion's structures, equipment, tactical, and strategic doctrine. Modified versions of Roman Legion, post Marian Reforms. The wiki links in the next post are highly recommended if you want an idea of how the Legion functions. This is modeled around the Late Republic and Early Empire periods.

The Legions

1-Decurion (Squad Commander)
2-Optio (2nd in command to Centurion. Assistant. See wiki link)
3-Centurion (Century Commander. Main rank. See wiki link)
4-Senior Centurion
5-Pilus Prior (Commander of 1st Century of Cohort) (often has actual field command of cohort)
5*-Tribune (Cohort Commander) (frequently political, rather than military appointee)
6*-Primus Pilus ("First Spear", 1st Cohort 1st Century commander, Legion's senior Centurion)
6-Legate (Legion Commander)
7-Praetor (high magistrate, governor, and theatre commander)

-exceptional ranks: Imperator

10 Legionaries = 1 Squad (10 Men)
6 Squads = 1 Century (10 squads to 1 Praetorian Century) (60 men)
2 Centuries = 1 Manus/Maniple (tactical unit, rather than administrative) (120 men)
6-8 Centuries = 1 Cohort (400-500 men)
6-10 Cohorts = 1 Legion (~4-6000 men, +500-1000 non-frontline personnel)
*Legions may be supported by Auxilia units from vassal states

Standard Legionary:
Lorica Segmentata armor (treat as breastplate, or banded mail for Praetorian armor), large steel shield, gladius (shortsword), 3 pila (javelins, singular pilum).

Support Trooper (Engineers, etc.):
Lorica Hamata armor (chainmail or chainmail shirt), gladius

Lorica Hamata or studded leather, bow, gladius

Light Cavalry:
Lorica Hamata armor (chainmail or chainmail shirt), light shield, spatha (longsword), 3 javelins.

Heavy Cavalry:
Lorica Segmentata, heavy shield, lance, spatha.

Auxilia is catch all term for militia and allied infantry to the Selentine Legions. Militia Auxilia tend to be poorly trained and equipped, but allied Auxilia are another matter entirely. The Empire recruits Auxilia units from vassal peoples, especially among hillfolk, horsemen, and foresters, to provide specialized troops to support the Legion's deficiencies: scouts, archers, and cavalry. While your average Legionary is likely to be a Selentine, archers and cavalry are more likely to be from the borderlands of the Empire, where the rugged terrain and way of life will have honed their respective martial skills.

Auxilia units are generally allowed to keep their own methods of organization, but are kept under the close scrutiny, and often direct command, of Selentine officers.

Tactical Doctrine
Legionaries fight in close phalanx formation, the shield wall providing an impenetrable front to the legion's centuries. On the attack, the Legion advances to a predetermined distance, throws their light javelins, advances again, throws the second javelin, advances, throws the third and heaviest javelin, then draws swords and engages in melee. The Legionaries lock shields together and push at the enemy with their scutum or large shield. Then, as the century pushes onward steadily, the legionaries stab at their enemies with their gladii or short swords. They do not engage in swordplay, but use the shield to conceal their weapon and the direction of their stabbing strikes. The gladius is a stabbing, rather than cutting blade, and Legionaries are taught to stab into their enemies vitals, efficiently ensuring either a disabling wound or a quick kill.

The Legions have the finest engineering units in Pharagos, bar none. The Legions frequently make use of fieldworks, and every night, each Legion sets up a fortified camp that can be assembled and disassembled in hours, ensuring a safe bivouac. This same talent is also applied to siege weaponry, with the legions regularly making use of siege engines, stone throwers, and other tools.

Ideally, each century would be supplied with a ballista, and each cohort with a catapult, giving a legion 6-10 catapults 36-80 ballistae. These are ideal numbers though, and factoring in wear and tear and the vagaries of war, a legion would usually have significantly less than this number of weapons.

-Legionary: Rank and file

-Decurion: Squad commander

-Optio: The Centurion's second in command, often replaces Centurion should the officer be killed or captured.

-Centurion: The heart and soul of the ranks in the Legion. The Centurions command the Centuries, the basic combat units of the Legions. Centurions are also graded by seniority, with a cohort's 1st Century being commanded by the most senior, and the last Century being assigned to the most junior.
The Primi Ordines (singular Primum Ordines), Centurions of the 1st Cohort enjoy even more seniority and rank, and command Centuries that are nearly double the standard size (100-120). The Primi Ordines are above standard Centurions and below the Pilus Prior.

-Pilus Prior: The Centurion of a Cohort's 1st Century is the senior centurion of the cohort. Nominally under the command of the Cohort's tribune, in practice, the Pilus Prior is the actual field commander of the Cohort.

-The Primus Pilus: Literally the "First Spear", the Primus Pilus is the commander of the 1st Century of the 1st Cohort, and the 1st Cohort's Pilus Prior. He is the senior Centurion of the entire legion and is often an adviser to the Legion Legate.

-The Military Tribunes: Normally a staff rank. The Tribunes nominally command the Cohorts, but most cede their authority to the Pilus Prior. Tribunes are often young political appointees from Senatorial families, who use the appointment as a first step up their political careers. Nominally, the Senior Tribune is the Legate's Second-in-Command, and takes command if the Legate is killed, but he'll do whatever the Primus Pilus recommends, if he knows what's good for him.

-Legate: Legion commander.

-Praetor: Governor and high commander for an entire theatre of operations.
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Last edited by Revan on Sat Aug 18, 2007 11:20 pm; edited 7 times in total
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Sith'ari, Chosen Heart of the Force

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Post Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 9:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote
Links for the ranking and examples (I had to adapt it a bit, but this is the original roman stuff):

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Master of None

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Post Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 6:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote
Does Selentia already have an insignia/flag/symbol?

I may use it in my campaign as basis. Very Happy
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Sith'ari, Chosen Heart of the Force

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Post Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 8:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote
Some kind of dragon standard. I still have to cook up the heraldic details.

Offhand, I'm thinking: gules, a dragon, or, at gaze of prey gardant, wings spread.

If you've seen the Imperial Dragon banners in Elder Scrolls III Morrowind, then you should have an idea of what it looks like.

Also, for unit standards in the army descriptions earlier, an aquilifer bears the Century and Cohort standards which is typically surmounted by an eagle with wings spread, while a draconifer bears the legion and praetor's standard, surmounted with a dragon, wings spread.

Cavalry units also have draconifers instead of aquilifers.
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Post Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 8:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote
I was planning a campaign that's based on stealth, basically assassins and spies but controlled by government..
I'd like to name them based on Selentian insignia..

I was thinking of Order of _____. I try think about it first. Very Happy
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Sith'ari, Chosen Heart of the Force

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Post Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 9:44 pm    Post subject: SIN and the Arcani Reply with quote
Ah. You should have just mentioned spies straight off.

SIN and the Arcani

The Selentine Intelligence Network (SIN) is an important and mysterious branch of the Imperial Legions and the bureaucracy that deals with intelligence matters.

SIN works closely with the Imperial Legions and their elite arcani commandos. The Arcani are a secret order of Legionaries sworn to secrecy. Trained to the highest caliber, the Arcani are among the best warriors that the Legions have to offer. On the rare occasions that the Arcani are openly called for, the Arcani appear in mithril armor painted black as night, carrying a variety of assassin's tools and weapons, a black or camouflaged cloak, and a featureless black mask. Of course, this special operations gear is rarely put to use, and without it, an Arcani agent appears no different from just another Legionary. Arcani are seeded throughout the Legions, and called on by their commanders only when required. Only a handful of the most trusted officers within a Legion are trusted with the identities of the two or three squads of Arcani within the Legion's midst. These elite troopers blend in with the rest of their comrades, and provide a solid, and hidden black ops and internal security force.

Game Information: Arcani can be simulated by making mid-level Ftr/Rog combos. For more high powered games, Arcani elite agents may be constructed as Ftr/Rog/Assassins, or Ftr/Rog/Dread Commando. Or replace rogue with ranger. Other Arcani may also receive training as monks, or even a rare few swordsages trained by the Ordo Lictor. Most Arcani have at least 1 level of fighter as they are expected to serve as standard Legionaries when their special skills are not called for.
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Master of None

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Post Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 2:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote
I have a few questions:

(1) How do you become part of the SIN? Do you apply for it, or do they choose from those they already have in the force?

(2) Do they really have to have levels of fighting class? How about beguilers/rogues/illusionists/bards/enchanters? They are potential spies and/or assassins..

I also had an idea, could we make prestige classes that are guild-based such as Nighsong enforcer/ infiltrator (CW) and Mage og the Order (CAr)? Or we could just convert them into Pharagos world Very Happy
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Sith'ari, Chosen Heart of the Force

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Post Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 5:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote
erwin wrote:

(1) How do you become part of the SIN? Do you apply for it, or do they choose from those they already have in the force?

(2) Do they really have to have levels of fighting class? How about beguilers/rogues/illusionists/bards/enchanters? They are potential spies and/or assassins..

I also had an idea, could we make prestige classes that are guild-based such as Nighsong enforcer/ infiltrator (CW) and Mage og the Order (CAr)? Or we could just convert them into Pharagos world Very Happy

1. Varies. Real, true-blue official SIN agents are few and far between. What is actually far more prevalent are useful contacts, informers, and people with their ears to the ground. Some SIN agents are officially trained, others are invited in due to their services to the Empire, and others are recommended by the Legions (like the Arcani)

2. You're confusing SIN with the Arcani. The Arcani come from within the Legions' ranks, and therefore receive some military training. SIN agents however can come from any walk of life.

3. I'm really not sure with the guilds, and I don't have time to look them up right now. Most of them should have some sort of Pharagos analog though.
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He Who Founds Wyrmlings

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Post Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 7:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote
Mage of the Arcane Order would be relatively easy to integrate. It would also be fun to do so since Guildmagi are preparation casters, so flavorwise we could finally have a group of Arcanists that are definitely not Arcanian.

The reason that it hasn't been integrated at all is because not a lot of people have actually played wizards in Pharagos. If you want to inetegrate it, either play a guildmage (which strokes the DM hand into placing the guildmage somewhere) or As a DM, craft it yourself.

I think it would be cool to have a Zarus Guildmage. These Selentine elitists believe that pureblood humans should be the masters of the Arcane.

Or an elven combine. Think big tree as a font of eternal knowledge rather than a spellpool. As you take from the tree (spellpool), so too do you have to nourish this tree with Arcane energies. Razz
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Lord of Pwnage

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Post Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 9:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote
wasn't there talk of a Knights of the Silver Dragon PrC? whatever happened to that?
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Master of None

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Post Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 1:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote
Revan wrote:
2. You're confusing SIN with the Arcani. The Arcani come from within the Legions' ranks, and therefore receive some military training. SIN agents however can come from any walk of life.

Ok. so who's above and who's under (meaning who is superior between the 2)? Or are they 2 different groups of agents/spies? In that case who's commanding them?

BJ wrote:
The reason that it hasn't been integrated at all is because not a lot of people have actually played wizards in Pharagos. If you want to inetegrate it, either play a guildmage (which strokes the DM hand into placing the guildmage somewhere) or As a DM, craft it yourself.

I think it would be cool to have a Zarus Guildmage. These Selentine elitists believe that pureblood humans should be the masters of the Arcane.

Or an elven combine. Think big tree as a font of eternal knowledge rather than a spellpool. As you take from the tree (spellpool), so too do you have to nourish this tree with Arcane energies. Razz

Me will take ranks in Craft(PrC) Very Happy
*While my energy is still up to it

Hmm.. Zarus Guildmage..
Can i have a look on your Ravnica Guildmages? I think I may cook something up with them as basis..
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Sith'ari, Chosen Heart of the Force

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Post Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 5:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote
erwin wrote:
Revan wrote:
2. You're confusing SIN with the Arcani. The Arcani come from within the Legions' ranks, and therefore receive some military training. SIN agents however can come from any walk of life.

Ok. so who's above and who's under (meaning who is superior between the 2)? Or are they 2 different groups of agents/spies? In that case who's commanding them?

SIN is the Selentine Intelligence Network, which is a branch of the civilian government. The Arcani are a secret order within the Legions, making them a secret branch of the military. SIN agents are more like spies, informants, and assassins, while Arcani are more likely to be black-ops, scouts, saboteurs and commandos.

Being a SIN agent != being an Arcani, and vice versa. SIN will tend more towards intelligence work, Arcani towards "black ops". SIN has more authority strategically, but Arcani are given a lot of tactical leeway on the ground to get their missions done.
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Master of None

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Post Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 6:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote
Ah, ok.. Me understand Very Happy

I was hoping to use Cityscape in my campaign..
(1)What would be Selentia's community alignment?
(2)And what where would Selentia best fall under, a "Military City" or "Capital City" (as described by Cityscape)? Or is it something else?
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Sith'ari, Chosen Heart of the Force

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Post Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 6:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote
erwin wrote:

(1)What would be Selentia's community alignment?
(2)And what where would Selentia best fall under, a "Military City" or "Capital City" (as described by Cityscape)? Or is it something else?

1. The Empire as a whole tends towards LN. Imperial law and order is enforced throughout the bounds of the Empire.

2. That's a city per city thing.
-Khitomer: Capital of the Empire. I don't have Cityscape, but Khitomer is freaking big. The population can equal Imperial Rome at its height (1 million+ residents). Think Imperial Rome. Highly developed road, sewage, water systems. Home to the Imperial Senate and the Emperor's Palace. Guarded by the Urban Cohorts and the Praetorian Guards.
-Daggerfall: Capital of the Firannos Military District in the Empire's south coast, Daggerfall is a historic city in the Empire's history. It was at Daggerfall that the first Selentine Emperor, Marcus Quintus Draconis, landed, after abandoning the wreck of the Lysean Empire. While now eclipsed by Khitomer, Daggerfall is still an important trading and naval hub for the Empire's south. (Treat as a heavily fortified port)

And, I've run out of city ideas. Those are the only two I've detailed.
Words are the only bullets in truth's bandolier. And poets are the snipers.
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Post Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 11:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote
In game, since most of Arcani commandos are martial classes, they don't have ranks in Spellcraft Razz I think it's somehow a hindrance to them.

BTW, who/what is Ordo Lictor?
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Sith'ari, Chosen Heart of the Force

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Post Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 11:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote
erwin wrote:
In game, since most of Arcani commandos are martial classes, they don't have ranks in Spellcraft Razz I think it's somehow a hindrance to them.

BTW, who/what is Ordo Lictor?

I disagree that it's a hindrance. An Arcani with Spellcraft can identify magical defenses, lingering spells, and identify what spells an opponent is casting (for target prioritization). Spellcraft would be damned useful. Most of the commandoes will not likely be trained in it, but it's not a hindrance. Ranks in Spellcraft would not penalize affiliation score, but it probably wouldn't increase score either.

The Ordo Lictor

The Lictors are an elite cadre of bodyguards and warriors assigned to defend high-ranking Selentine officials, officers, and magistrates such as Legion Commanders, Praetors, Quaestors, and members of the Imperial Family.

Traditionally, a lictor within the imperial city of Khitomer goes unarmed, his only symbol of authority being the fasces, a bundle of wooden rods tied together, symbolizing strength through unity. When assigned to a magistrate outside of Khitomer or to a member of the Imperial Family, Lictors wrap the fasces around an ax, or mount an ax-head to the bundle as a symbol of the magistrate or Imperial's power over life and death. The number of Lictors assigned to escort a person is also a gauge of their level of Imperium.

Lictors are trained in counter-espionage and hand-to-hand combat, as befitting any bodyguard. Lethal even when caught bare-handed, senior lictors also receive training in using the fasces as a staff or axe-like weapon in the defense of their charge.

While originally taken from the military, after the fall of the Lysean Empire, Emperor Marcus Quintus Draconis instituted reforms in the training of the Lictors (treasonous Legionaries turned Lictors were responsible for the assassination of the last Lysean Emperor). The Ordo Lictor was formed and was given a secret stronghold to serve as training academy and base of operations. Service, duty, and unswerving loyalty became the watchwords for the new Lictor organization.

Game Information

The majority of Lictors are monks or swordsages specialized in the Setting Sun style of combat. Lictor monks remove the kukri, nunchaku, siangham, and kama from their monk list of weapons and proficiencies, and instead add the club, axe, and short sword as monk weapon proficiencies. Lictor swordsages always add staff, club, and axe as part of their Setting Sun weapons list.

I'm still working on 2 specialized Lictor prestige class, one for Lictor monks, another for Lictor swordsages.

Real World Lictors
The real Roman Lictors that I adapted from:
Roman Lictor
Imperium (legal)
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Post Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 1:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote
(1) Are they a secret part of the army, or just not everybody know them?
(2) What is its relationship to the SIN and Arcani?
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Post Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 2:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote
Here's what i've come up with Arcani as an affiliation:


Symbol: A featureless black mithral mask
Revan wrote:
The Arcani are a secret order of Legionaries sworn to secrecy. Trained to the highest caliber, the Arcani are among the best warriors that the Legions have to offer. On the rare occasions that the Arcani are openly called for, the Arcani appear in mithril armor painted black as night, carrying a variety of assassin's tools and weapons, a black or camouflaged cloak, and a featureless black mask. Of course, this special operations gear is rarely put to use, and without it, an Arcani agent appears no different from just another Legionary. Arcani are seeded throughout the Legions, and called on by their commanders only when required. Only a handful of the most trusted officers within a Legion are trusted with the identities of the two or three squads of Arcani within the Legion's midst. These elite troopers blend in with the rest of their comrades, and provide a solid, and hidden black ops and internal security force.

Members: Must be a Selentine resident for at least 5 years. Recruits are usually from the army, but anyone who the Arcani thinks is qualified. Usually humans, but any race Selentian Empire is in good terms with are recruited.
There are no applicants. The Arcani recruits anyone who they think has capabilities. They usually given an invitation with the words "You are invited for a greater purpose." or something similar to recruits. Then they are given a series of tests if their judgment about them is right. Those who fail are brought back to their homes and erased all the memories about the Arcani, from the invitation to the last test they made.
Any member who tells anyone who is a non-guild member about any information from or about the Arcani are usually sentenced to be killed. They usually send a EL 12 group of assassins to kill the "traitor" and all of those who he told any secret.
Type: Spy Ring
Scale: 11 (Multiregional/duchy)
Affiliation Score Criterion:
Character Level ------------------------------------ +1/2 PC's level
5 or more ranks in Hide, Move Silently
or Profession (Soldier) --------------------------------- +1 per skill
BAB +5 or higher-------------------------------------------------- +1
Sneak attack +2d6 or higher ----------------------------------- +1
10 or more ranks in Hide and Move Silently --------- +2 per skill
Completes a mission assigned by the affiliation -------------- +2
Discovers and reports any important information
to the affiliation --------------------------------------------------- +2
Reputation Points ------------------------------------- -1 per Rep Pt.
No ranks in Hide or Move Silently ---------------------- -2 per skill
Fails to complete a mission --------------------------------------- -4

Titles, Benefits, and Duties: to follow
Secrets: to follow


Comments? Suggestions?
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Post Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 10:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote
BTW have you come up with the PrC idea?
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Post Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 12:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote
The Lictor? It is 90%+ finished with no guarantee on balance whatsoever. Smile)
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