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New Selentia: Character Thread
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He Who Founds Wyrmlings

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Post Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 11:26 pm    Post subject: New Selentia: Character Thread Reply with quote
Goderator, if you think this shouldn't be here, feel free to transfer it elsewhere.

I'm requiring the characters of this campaign to have a copy of their character (with backstory stuff) online. Post it here. No other posts please. (of course, the Goderator can post if he wants)
Nosfecatu Publishing
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Lord of Pwnage

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Post Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 1:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote
Bartholomew Silverberg ECL 7
CG M Human Bard 5/Fortune's Friend 2
Init +1; Senses Spot -6, Listen +4
Languages Common, Sylvan, Aquan, Celestial
EXP: 21525

AC 15, touch 10, flat-footed 14 (+2 leather armor +2 enhance to armor +1 dex)
hp 48 (7 HD)
Fort +5 (+1 base +2 con +2 luck), Ref +8 (+7 base +1 dex), Will +3 (+4 base -1 wis)

Speed 30 ft.
Melee +3
Ranged +5
Space 5 ft.;Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +4; Grp +3
Atk Options unarmed strike +3 melee (1d3-1 nonlethal)
Special Actions Bardic music 5/day, Bardic Lore, Countersong, Luck Reroll 5/day
Bard Spells Known (CL 6)
0th (3/day) - Detect Magic, Daze, Summon Instrument, Ghost Sound, Know Direction
1st (4/day) - Sleep, Inspirational Boost, Charm Person
2nd (3/day) - Invisibility, Eagle's Splendor, Harmonic Chorus
Special Abilities Fascinate, Inspire Courage +2 (+1 base +1 Song of the Heart)

Abilities Str 8, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 15, Wis 8, Cha 17
SQ Inattentive, Murky-Eyed, Easy Luck, Extra Fortune, More Luck than Skill
Feats Lucky Start, Unbelievable Luck, Sacred Vow, Vow of Nonviolence, Halik ng Diwata, Song of the Heart, Advantageous Avoidance
Skills Concentration +10, Knowledge (arcana) +11, Listen +4, Sense Motive +4, Profession (astrologer) +4, Spellcraft +11, Bluff +13, Perform (string instruments) +21, Gather Info +11, Profession (gambler) +3, Diplomacy +20, Intimidate +6
Equipment Arboreal Armor, Ticklish Lyre

"Name's Bartholomew Silverberg m'lord, of the West Inn Silverbergs. Doesn't ring a bell? Why, I'd be surprised if it did..."

Bart is the son of a poor, little known hedge wizard hailing from an even lesser known hamlet in Selentia. From an early age Bart was taught by his father about the basics of wizardry: how to identify spells, how to maintain concentration under pressure, and other such useful tricks. Unfortunately, Bart was not a very attentive student (his bad eyesight didn't help him appreciate thick magical tomes any more, either), and his mind constantly wandered towards

As much time as Bart spent studying arcane magic, however, he spent an equal amount of time in his job at the local inn. There he met a great variety of people, people who taught him skills that the arcane arts simply could not offer: how to dodge incoming blows, how to listen through doors (which he was not particularly good at, but he improved eventually anyway), how to gamble (which he was fairly good at), and most importantly, how to play the mandolin. Oh, and Bart did love to play the mandolin.

One day, Bart's father was coming back home from a short trip out of town. As he was within view of West Inn, however, he was ambushed by a small group of bandits. His spellcasting capabilities held off the attackers for a time, but he simply could not overcome three-to-one odds. Finally the town's militia rode into his rescue just in time, but the damage had been done.

He suffered multiple wounds during the attack, and was rushed to his home bloodied and wounded. Bart quickly ran to fetch a healer, who treated his father. His wounds were cleaned and healed, but the healer mentioned a slow-acting poison that the bandits presumably lined their spears with. Although it was a fairly common poison for bandits to use, the small hamlet simply did not have the resources to spare to create the antidote. The healer said he could come up with a cure for the poison, but it would come at a steep price. Bart wholeheartedly agrees; anything to save his father. Little did he know how much this (and his bouts of gambling) would cost him.

The healer asked for 2,500 gp in payment. With everything that Bart could pawn and sell, he still owed the healer 2,300 gp. The matter continued for months, but Bart simply had no luck. After three months he still owed the healer 2,000 gp.

Finally, the healer couldn't take any more. He took the matter to court. Eventually it was ruled that the healer would be paid the 2,000 gp by the court, but Bart would have to work out the rest of the debt with "community service". Although he was a tad reluctant, he agreed to the terms; this was for his father, after all.

Bart said goodbye to his father, who nodded curtly. Though it had been months, the effects of the poison were still evident. As such, Bart just smiled at the man who had raised him and taken care of him since he was a child, nodded back, and headed out.

Before he made his way to his community service, however, he dropped by the local church to say a prayer to the gods. There, in his mind's eye, he imagined the way his father must have suffered against the bandits' steel. It was there that he decided to make a sacred vow; a vow never to take violent action against anybody, so that he may cause no man to suffer the way he and his father had suffered.

He then made his way to the court, where an official sat waiting for him. A line of young men had already began to form. Bart stood there nervously awaiting his turned, until he heard the man beckon to him, "You're next, lad."

Bart was then asked to describe what he thought his strengths were. Bart then described the skills he had been learning since he was a child, the skills he grew up learning. The official considered all that for a moment, and called out to somebody in the back room. "Lad, there's somebody I'd like you to meet..."

Out walked a gnome who had clearly seen his share of adventure over time. He surveyed Bart for a moment and said, "Let me guess: you're a mandolin man, aren't you?" Surprised that anybody could determine such an obscure fact with but a glance, Bart stood there with a perplexed expression on his face. The gnome gave a chuckle and said, "The name's Phinneas, boy, and it seems you've got a bit to learn about people in my line of work..."
And so, upon completion of his bardic training, Bartholomew Silverberg set out for the wild frontier of New Selentia...
And I'm still, still longing. Still cold... so cold.
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Last edited by boy_bakal on Fri Sep 07, 2007 1:06 am; edited 11 times in total
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Sith'ari, Chosen Heart of the Force

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Post Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 12:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote
Updated: 7 Sep 2007

Augustus Tiberius Trajan ECL 7
N Medium Humanoid Warmage 7
Init:+2 ; Spot -1, Search +2, Listen -1
Languages: Common, Draconic, Elven, "Katutubo", Ignan

AC 21, touch 13, flat-footed 19 (armor+5, shield +2, Dex +2, deflection +1, natural armor +1)
hp (33)
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will + 4

Speed 30 ft.
Melee: Shortspear +4, 1d6+1, x3
Melee: MW Gladius +5, 1d6+1, 19-20/x2
Melee: Dagger +4, 1d4+1, 19-20/x2
Melee: Touch +4
Ranged: Touch +5 (+6 w/in 30ft)
Ranged: Light Crossbow +5 (+6 w/in 30ft), 1d8, 19-20/x2, 80ft
Ranged: Shortspear +5 (+6 w/in 30ft), 1d6+1, x2, 20ft
Ranged: Dagger +5 (+6 w/in 30ft), 1d4+1, 19-20/x2, 10ft
Space 5x5ft;Reach 5ft
Base Atk +3; Grp +4 (+1 Str)
Combat Gear Mithril chainmail shirt+1, buckler+1, shortspear, dagger, light crossbow, 40 bolts, masterwork gladius (shortsword), amulet of natural armor+1 (agimat), ring of protection +1, potion of lesser restoration
Spells (CL 6) 3rd (5/day) 2nd (7/day) 1st (7/day) 0th (6/day) (Warmage List)


Abilities Str -12, Dex -14, Con -12, Int -14, Wis -8, Cha -18
SQ: Human traits
Feats: Grudge Keeper (flaw), Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Sudden Widen, Sudden Maximize, Eschew Materials, Proficiency: Short sword (bonus), Sudden Empower
Skills: Concentration +12, Intimidate +11, Knw(Arcana) +11, Knw(History) +11, Spellcraft +11, Perform (Oratory) +4
Possessions: Explorer’s outfit, Uniform, spell component pouch, backpack, flint and steel, 3 torches, 3 days rations (tinapa), waterskin, dagger, shortspear, light crossbow, 40 bolts, buckler, mithril chainmail shirt+1, bedroll, everlasting rations, everfull mug, bracers of arcane might, Selentine travel papers, 50 pieces of parchment, charcoal, ink and pen, chalk, 20 pieces of jade (components), miniature archery target (focus), 10 copper wire, cloak of charisma +2
Money: 449 sp 1260 gp, 27 pp

Warmage Edge: Add Int bonus to spell damage
Amored Caster: No spell failure in light armor
Grudge Keeper (flaw): If you are damaged in combat, you suffer a -2 penalty on attacks rolls, skill checks, saving throws, and ability checks until you damage the foe who caused you harm. This penalty does not apply if you cannot discern the source of the damage. This penalty disappears when the combat ends. (dgn328, pg42)
Adaptive Learning L3: Message, Special: Thunderhead L6:Chain Missile
XP: 27386

Quote: “Now, there are three ways we can do this. You can give us what we want now, or my friends can take a long time talking you into giving us what we want, or I can just blow up everything in sight and take what we want. I’d point out that I’m not a patient man, therefore, I’d suggest that you just give us what we want so you can save us all a lot of time and trouble.”

Decurion Augustus Tiberius Trajan should have had it made. The scion of a military family in the Selentine Empire, Trajan excelled in his study of the art of the warmage, landing a scholarship in the Achilleus Academy of Military Arcana, the premier academy of applied military magics in Selentia (located in the foothills a suitable distance from the imperial capital of Khitomer in order to prevent the occasional stray fireball from igniting the city). A legion brat, Augustus proved to be an avid student of military history and arcana, but his true forte was in the realm of applied battlemagics, a discipline that he pursued with a single-minded (some would have said maniacal) vigor. Though only a mediocre student when initially trained as a wizard, transfer to the warmage program allowed the young man to come into his own, graduating among the top of his batch of warmages.

Trajan’s career should have been secure, had it not been for his peculiar combination of self-confidence, bloody-minded arrogance, vindictiveness, and a fiery temper. His tour of duty records for the Elenian Crisis and the Selentine occupation of Elenia are rife with reports of “excessive use of force”, insubordination towards commanders not as brilliant or educated as him, and an impulsive, almost obsessive drive to take decisive (frequently explosive) action regardless of the consequences. The only things that could be said in Trajan’s defense was that his actions, while frequently impulsive, were also frequently successful, and also that in the command of an officer who earned his respect, Trajan dutifully obeyed orders, trusting in the intelligence of a skilled leader once proven to him. Augustus’ mercurial nature ensured that when many of his fellow warmages had already risen to the rank of Optio or Centurion, Trajan remained at his current rank of Decurion (roughly corporal or sergeant).

Notable actions of his career in the XIVth Legion involved skirmishes with Elenian robber-barons, a successful counter-attack against a Gith raid into Elenia, and a pitched battle against a force of Lysean privateers attempting to gain a foothold on the Elenian coast. The loss of many of his fellow Legionaries to the poisoned weapons used by the Lysean privateers served to heighten Trajan’s already towering disdain for all things Lysean, and ever since then, Trajan has been clamoring for a transfer to the Iron Isles front and the impending war between Selentia and Lysea. The Legate of the XIVth, aware of Trajan’s reputation, decided instead to have the warmage transferred to “detached, reserve, inactive duty” in the frontier of New Selentia (in effect sacking him in all but name and deporting him to the boondocks), placating the incensed warmage by pointing out that the colonies are in need of skilled warmages for their defense.

The past few months have been depressingly boring for the young warmage. The distance from the capital means that opportunities for stimulating conversations with educated historians and scholars are next to nil. No major raids have yet to be launched in his vicinity. All this inaction has made Augustus testy and on edge, as he awaits news of the war brewing in the Firannos Sea and draws his reserve pay from the local legion (spending it all on cheap wine and thrills). Trajan is itching for the chance to burn something to the ground, or failing that, a chance to go forth and discover what he can about the culture and civilization of the native peoples and the strange ruins that dot the jungle.

The first Trajan was the Legate of Legio I, Emperor Marcus Quintus Draconis' personal Praetorian Legion, The Imperial Dragons, and Augustus is hungry for a chance to prove himself worthy of bearing the name of Trajan. If that chance also allows him to leave behind him a charred trail of fallen enemies of the Empire, well, all the better.

Story update: Promoted to Centurion. Now commands a specialist century of warmages (14 Warmage1, 2 Warmage2, 2 Cleric 2).

Current Feuds:
-Dimaunahan (Top name on the hit list)
-Prince Karuma (Dealt with. In a most satisfactory manner.)
-Ssaserine (With Mortifer. Bears watching)
Words are the only bullets in truth's bandolier. And poets are the snipers.
-George Wu (The Hyperion Cantos, Dan Simmons)
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Last edited by Revan on Fri Sep 07, 2007 1:07 am; edited 6 times in total
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gold saint
Juvenile Dragon

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Post Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 11:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote
Idunn Thjazi
Neutral Good Human Female
Class: Ranger 3
Exp = 3570/6000

Abilities: STR=18, DEX=18, CON=12, INT=12, WIS=11, CHA=8
HP = 20/20
BAB = 3
- Melee: 3 + 4(STR) = 7
- Ranged: 3 + 4(DEX) = 7
Fort: 3 + 1(CON = 4
Ref: 3 + 4(DEX) = 7
Will: 1 + 2(Iron Will) = 3
AC=20 (Armor +4, Shield +1, DEX +4, Natural +1)
- Touch = 14
- Flatfoot = 16

Feats: Able Learner, Iron Will, Die Hard
Skills: Balance +4, Climb +7, Disguise +1, Escape Artist +6, Handle Animal +1, Heal +3, Hide +6, Jump +9, Knowledge(nature) +2, Listen +4, Move Silently +6, Spot +4, Survival +7, Swim +8, Tumble +7
Use Rope +7
Languages: Common, Sylvan, Katutubo

Class Skills: Track, Wild Empathy, Favored Enemy(Evil Outsiders), Combat Style(Dual-wield), Endurance
Equipment: 1 Dagger, 1 Shortbow, 38 arrows, Masterwork Buckler,
Studded Leather +1, 1 Scimitar, 1 Silver Trident, 1 Cure Light Potion, 2gp worth Trail Rations
Gold: 930gp

Background: Iduun was a farmgirl from the outskirts of the Selentian Capital. Well, until she decided to take a new job as being an adventurer. After training as a ranger, Idunn then moved to the capital, just in time for news of New Selentia being established in a recently discovered continent. After working part-time as a dock worker, she finally earned enough money to book passage into the New World
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Last edited by gold saint on Mon May 07, 2007 8:31 pm; edited 5 times in total
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Ancient Dragon

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Post Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 10:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote
Hermond Torwin Rogue 3 Aswang 4 (ECL 7) (LA+1)
CN M Human Shapechanger
Init +6
Exp 24250/28000
Languages Common, Undercommon
Humanoid Form

AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+2 leather armor +2 dex +2 natural, +1 deflection)
hp 45 (5 HD)
Fort +6 (+4 base +2 Con), Ref +8 (+6 base +2 Dex), Will +0 (+1base -1 Wis)

Hybrid/Animal Form

AC 21, touch 13, flat-footed 19 (+2 leather armor +2 dex +6 natural,+1 deflection)
hp 45 (5 HD)
Fort +8 (+4 base +4 Con), Ref +8 (+5 base +2 Dex), Will +3 (+1base,+2 Iron Will)

Speed 30 ft.
Melee +4/+5 (+6 with gloves of mighty fist)
Ranged +5
Space 5 ft.;Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +3; Grp +3/+4
Atk Options (Humanoid) unarmed strike +5 melee (1d3+2 nonlethal) , Short Sword +4 melee (1d6+1 lethal), Dagger +4 melee (1d4+1 lethal), Light Crossbow +5 ranged (1d8 lethal), 7 bolts, +1 Dagger +5 melee (1d4+2 lethal)
Atk Options (Hybrid) 2 Claws 1d4+2, Gore 1d8+4,bite 1d6+2 Other weapons stated as in the humanoid form
Atk Options (Animal) Gore(Primary) 1d8+4
Special Actions None
Class Features Trapfinding, Sneak Attack +2d6, Evasion, Trapsense +1, Scent

Abilities (Humanoid) Str 12, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 15
Abilities (Hybrid, Animal) Str 16, Dex 14, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 15
SQ (Animal/Hybrid) DR 4/silver, Scent, Boar Empathy
Feats Improved Initiative, Persuasive, Skill Focus (Control Shape), Iron Will
Skills Tumble +10(+6 rank, +2 dex +2 jump), Sleight of Hand +9, Listen +0, Bluff +10(+6 ranks +2 Charisma +2 Persuasive), Escape Artist +7, Open Lock +7, Balance +10, Jump +9/+11(+1/+3 Str, +6 ranks +2 tumble), Move Silently +8, Intimidate +4, Search +6, Hide +2, Knowledge (Local) +5 circumstance, Spot +3 (+3 ranks), Control Shape +6
Leather Armor
Silvered Dagger 1d3 19-20/x2
Light Crossbow 1d8 x2
+1 Dagger 1d4+1 19-20/x2
Dagger 1d4 19-20/x2
Ring of Protection+1
Gloves of Mighty Fists +1
Full Moon's Trick

Gold has been one of the main driving of most people in Pharagos, Hermond Torwin was no exception. Called Tor by his closest friends and Hermond by his mother, it was his dream. Having been raised in the outer reaches of the Selentine Empire to a poor family, he had to make do with thievery and forgery to get by daily. It might have been enough to sustain him and his mother, but somewhere in his heart he was incontent.

Tor's father, who was an adventurer on his own right, died when he was two years old. The only things that Tor can remember was his mother's stories of his father's adventures. This would prove to be Tor's driving force to try to equal or exceed what his father has accomplished. Hearing tales of gold in the newly occupied Selentine territory, it was his time to set his plan into motion.

"Mother," Tor said, "I bid my leave. Once I return, I shall bring out of this miserable existence. I'll come back, I promise."

With those words, Hermond Torwin, Gold Acquisitionist, set out to the new lands.
After Tor set out to the reaches of the Spice Islands, he has encountered many strange and exciting things. Being accosted by a white lady, sniffed out by tikbalangs, blinded by the diwata Makiliti, nearly killed by a monkey, amost drowning on clear water, barely escaping the clutches of sharks and surviving an attack by an aswang, he is about to encounter changes that might change his entire being. Will he endure, or give in to his newfound animalistic urges? Can Olidammara accept such an unlucky one such as him? Many questions are waiting to be answered, in time, these will be revealed as clear as the sun.
(1)Changed hit die computation, skill adjustment due to synergies and added evasion.
(2) Fixed Base attack bonus and attack adjustments.;Further adjustments.
(3) Added necessary changes.
"I should mug people to this song. I'll get so many silver points." -Random youtuber

"LOL! If someone mugged me while this song was playing, I would know that they meant business. " -another random youtuber
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Last edited by oghma on Sun Sep 09, 2007 12:47 pm; edited 16 times in total
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Adult Dragon

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Post Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 12:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote
Alexis Harlaown ECL 2
CG Medium Human Swashbuckler 3 Scout 3
Init +4; Senses Listen 7, Spot 7
Languages Common, Native, Undercommon, Elven

AC 19, touch 13, flat-footed 16(+3 Dex, +3 armor)
Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +2

Speed 40 ft.
Melee Rapier (+9, 1d6+2 [+4 insightful strike], 18-20/x2)
Melee Dagger (+8, 1d4+1 [+3 insightful strike], 19-20/x2)
Melee Scimitar (+9, 1d6+1 [+3 insightful strike], 18-20/x2)
Ranged Shortbow (+8, 1d6, x3)
Space 5 ft.;Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +5; Grp
Atk Options Combat Expertise
Special Actions
Combat Gear Rapier, Dagger, +1Mithril Chain Shirt, Shortbow, 18 arrows, 2x mwk Scimitar,
Class Features Grace+1, Battle Fortitude+1, Insightful strike, Skirmish+1d6 Ac+1

Abilities Str 13, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 15, Wis 11, Cha 12
SQ Human Traits
Feats Weapon Finesse, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Mobility
Skills Tumble+14, Profession(sailor)+7, Perform(Dance)+7, Swim+8, Diplomacy+7, Sense motive+7, Spot+7, Listen+7, Jump+12, balance +10
Possessions +1 rapier, dagger, shortbow, Mwk Scimitarx2, quiver w/18 arrows, +1 Mithril Chain Shirt, backpack, waterskin, trail rations x3, hooded lantern, oil(3 pints), peasant's outfit, flint and steel, travel papers


Alexis Harlaown is a new recruit, working in one of the ships that frequent the beaches of New Selentia. He was born to a simple family, his father worked as a porter in the docks, his mother passed away a short time after he was born.

During his childhood years, his father told him many stories of encounters of great adventurers in new lands, how their daring and prowess brought them great success, and the beauty of the lands beyond the horizon. He would sit at the beach, and watch the waves go by, wishing to see what others could only dream of.

As he grew older, the twists and turns of the streets have made him a quick thinker. A great compliment of speed and smarts, what he couldn't talk out of, he got out off without a scratch. He made connections with the local townsfolk, and was known to do odd jobs and favors from time to time.

His dream would finally come to reality, when one of his friends mentioned that he is good friends with one of the ship captains who will sail for New Selentia in a few months. He allowed himself to be taken apprentice to one of the ship's hands, and prepare himself for the journey.

The time has finally come to leave his hometown, but as much as he liked it there, his sense of adventure would make him regret even thinking about missing this opportunity. As he said goodbye to his father, he received from him his trusty rapier. Even through the years, his father kept it in perfect condition, and could have passed it off as a new one. "Every adventurer needs a weapon, good adventurers keep it clean.", his father said. After receiving his father's blessing, he looked back one last time, and promised to himself to return with stories for his future children to hear.
05/05/07 - updated from end of game last 04/27/07(level up included)
08/23/07 - major update, lol. glad to be back.
08/30/07 - updated, no hp roll yet
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Last edited by quickbrownfox on Fri Aug 31, 2007 2:13 am; edited 2 times in total
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Post Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 11:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote
i don't know how to delete this post..

help moderators Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad
There is happiness for those who accept their fate. There is glory for those who defy their fate

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Last edited by erwin on Tue Jul 03, 2007 8:57 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 9:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote
as of July 27, 2007:

Richard "Riki" Ricardo ECL 5
CN Medium Humanoid Factotum 5
Init +2; Senses Spot +0, Listen +0
Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Undercommon, Elven, Katutubo
Current Experience: 14075/15000

AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14(+2 dex, +4 MWK chainshirt)
hp 36 (5 HD)
Fort +2, Ref +6, Will + 1
Speed 30ft
Melee MWK rapier (+6/ 1d6/ 18-20/x2)
Melee dagger (2) (+5/ 1d4/ 19-20/x2)
Ranged shortbow (+5/ 1d6/ x3/ 60ft)
Space 5x5ft;Reach 5ft
Base Atk +3; Grp +3
Special Actions: cunning insight, Arcane Dilettante, cunning defense, cunning strike, cunning knowledge, opportunistic piety
Factotum Spells Chosen : (Spell Lvl 2)
(Caster Lvl 5)
1st - Fist of Stone
2nd - Phantasmal Assailants
Combat Gear dagger (2), MWK rapier, shortbow, quiver with 20 arrows
Abilities Str 11, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 9
SQ Human traits, Inspiration Pts., trapfinding, brains over brawn
Feats Able Learner, Eschew Materials, Weapon Finesse
Skills Bluff +7, Disguise +9, Spellcraft +13 (+2 to decipher scrolls), Sense Motive +7, Tumble +11, Swim +6, Know(arcana) +8, Use Magic Devise +7 (+2 on checks related to scrolls), Know(religion) +8, Jump +9, Concentration +6, Know(dungeoneering) +8, Know(history) +8
Possessions Combat Gear plus backpack, bedroll, flint &steel, waterskin, rations(3), torch(2), Cure Light Wounds potions(2), spell component pouch (red, blue, yellow sand, a piece of wool, (1)amber, (1) ruby), traveler's outfit, Selentian uniform, least crystal of aquatic action, a scroll, arcanist's gloves, 50 platinum, 2840 gold, 2 silver

Cunning Insight: Before making an attack roll, dmg roll, or saving throw, he may spend 1 Inspiration Pt. to gain competence bonus equal to Int modifier.
Trapfinding: can find and disable magical traps, can bypass traps
Cunning Knowledge: when making a skill check, he may spend 1 IP (Inspiration Pt.) to gain a bonus on the check equal to factotum lvl. 1/day for each skill.
Arcane Dilettante he may spend 1 IP to mimic a spell as a spell-like ability.
Brains over Brawn: add Int bonus as a modifier to Str checks, Dex checks and Str/Dex-based skill checks.
Cunning Defense: as a free action, he may spend 1 IP to gain Int bonus as dodge bonus to AC agnst one opponent for 1 round. Can be used on multiple opponents, but not on the same target.
Cunning Strike: before making an atk roll, he may spend 1 IP to gain 1d6 pts of sneak atk dmg. for uncanny dodge, rogue lvl is equal to factotum lvl.
Opportunistic Piety: use 1 IP to channel divine energy as a standard action. He can use this energy to heal injuries, harm undead, or turn undead; can be use (3+Wis bonus) per day.


As a child, Riki already showed potential. He was intelligent and a fast-learner. He would often visit his grandparent's library, for they are full of information about the adventures of his parents' and his grandparents' and so on, being a family tradition. If he had any free time, he would be sitting under a tree reading a book. But he was not entirely a bookworm. He would sometimes drop his book and rest under a tree with the cool breeze on his face. He values life's simple source of happiness.

He has a handful of friends. Together they would run around the city. Their group was a happy bunch, doing whatever they like. They would sometimes trick vendors or by-passers just for fun.

But one day Riki had to leave the city. His parents wanted him to study in a wizards' academy, for they know that Riki's talents would be best to put there. Riki didn't to become a wizard, for he wanted to know more than casting spells. He wanted to be what others think that impossible to achieve, to be able to do almost every art of war. To cast spells while fighting with swords, to channel divine energy while disabling a trap, that's what he wish to have.

The day before he his departure to the academy, he ran away. He didn't want to disobey his parents, but he wanted to fulfill his dreams. He was able to ride a ship going to the next harbor in the country. Wandering aimlessly, he found himself in New Selentia.

As he was wandering the unfamiliar place looking for a place to stay, he walked through an alley. He saw a beautiful woman facing three street thugs. The lady was dressed as a fighter, so the thugs, mainly rogues, was confident that they can bring him down, for the fighter was outnumbered. But even before the three rogues able to move, the fighter casted a magical ray on one of the thugs, knocking him down easily. The remaining thugs were surprised, but they didn't stop their assault. The fighter was attacked, but she dodge both attacks. She slashed the second rogue with her rapier, but she missed the last one. The thug retaliated, wounding the fighter but it was not enough to knock her down. She then grasped the rogue and energy came out of her hands, shocking the rogue. After the last rogue went down, she then healed herself with her glowing hands.

Riki was amazed and astounded. After the fight he quickly ran to the lady.

"Wow! You beat that guy with a scorching ray then slashed the other with your rapier! Then you used a shocking grasp on the last thug and it clearly knocked him out! After that you healed yourself with cure light wounds spell! How did you that?"

"Wow. You sure know a lot little boy", the lady replied with amusement.

"I've read those spells before. Wow, you must be a really strong person to cast all those spells, lady."

"Not really. I'm actually an amateur. By the way, what's your name?"

"Ow, it was impolite of me to not introduce myself first. My name is Richard Ricardo, but people call me Riki."

"The name's Dan."

"Isn't Dan a name of a man? Isn't that weird?" Riki wondered.

"All of us is weird. We just have to leave with it."

After their acquaintance, they heard footsteps of men, coming to thier direction.

" I have to go little boy, I'm in a hurry you see. I have an important place to go."

"Oh, sorry to bother you my lady."

"Your to kind", Dan replied. "You seem to be new here, travelling in dark alleys such as this. Here, take this rapier with you, you'll need it to survive in this place."

Riki took the rapier with no hesitation. He was glad to have it, for it was his very first weapon. But even before he could thank the lady, she vanished. She was gone, in a blink of an eye.

After that night Riki has decided. He went for a quest to achieve his goals of becoming a master of many arts, and look for the mysterious lady who gave him his sword.

Jun 29, '07 - leveled up;
Jul 03, '07 -bought some items;
Jul 10, '07 - converted to Factotum;
Jul 12, '07 - leveled up (lvl5);
Jul 27, '07 - added exp to sheet;
There is happiness for those who accept their fate. There is glory for those who defy their fate

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Last edited by erwin on Fri Jul 27, 2007 9:33 pm; edited 6 times in total
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Mature Adult Dragon

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Post Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 9:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote
(updated August 12, 2007)

Tromeira de Azurre (ECL 5)
CE F Half-Nymph Gray Elf Ex- Paladin 2/ Warlock 2
Init +3; Low-light vision, Spot +4, Listen +4
Languages: Common, Elven, Draconic, Infernal, Sylvan
Current XP: 15235/ 20000
AC 20, touch 13, flat-footed 17
hp 34
Immunities: magic sleep effects
Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +10 (+2 against enchantments)
Ranged Atk: +6 eldritch blast (1d6)
Melee Atk: -1 mw shortsword (1d6)
SP/RC: 5 ft/ 5 ft
Spd: 30 ft
BA/GP: +3/+3
AB: Str 11, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 17, Wis 19, Cha 17
FTS: Elven Proficiencies, Iron Will, Improved Toughness, Spell Focus (evil)
FLAWS: Non-Combatant
SK:Bluff +9, Diplomacy +7, Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge (religion) +10, Knowledge (the planes) +8, Spellcraft +10
Least: Dark One's Own Luck (CA), Swim the Styx (CM)

mithral chainshirt +1
mw heavy steel shield
mw shortsword
vestment of resistance +1
potoin of cure moderate wounds X4
unidentified amulet
11370 gp

*Those in red are the changes since the last campaign

The Long Story of Beauty and Madness

At the edge of a cliff where the forest seem to call to the land amidst, a little girl stands still, watching the fires spread throughout a small town long-forgotten and destroyed by war. Her hair glistened like ebony and swayed with the bitter gust of wind. Her smooth, fair skin shows apparent bruises, probably from sharp stones. She glares at the burning unblinking, her eyes seem blackened by the soot reaching to the sky. She was beautiful beyond madness.

She remembers this town as once filled with children that spite her because of her pointed ears and eerie eyes as green as algae creeping over rocks by the riverbanks. The children spite her, although this little girl knows that the children fear her, envy her strange beauty. They do not understand.

She watches the human-like beings scrounge through her burning town: They are Githyanki, she recalls her mother tell her. (She is not my mother.) By now, every roof has fallen to ashes. By now, every man has been taken prisoner. By now, every woman has died a gruesome death. By now, the blood of children has watered this earth...

She smiles.
The clerics have finished their ritual to bless and honor the dead. They have hallowed this desecrated land that days before was filled with servants of the Lich Queen. Every body has been buried, the named have their names engraved on tombstones; the nameless remain unmarked. At the center of the newly made graveyard is a flag, brandishing the holy symbol of Pelor.

Without warning, a knight speeds from the forest to the graveyard, towards a man whose robes and garment indicate superiority. In the knight's arms is a girl with pointed ears and ebon hair. "My lord Azurre, I have found this girl lying unconscious near the edge of the forest!"

"By Pelor, send for healers. We should help this girl. She might be the only one left of this unfortunate town."

The girl is unconscious, though she could hear the people around her. She could hear the world crying. She smiles.
Someone is knocking at Lord Azurre's door. He knows who it is, but refuses to let her in. The person enters anyway.

A young woman draped in clergy's clothes bearing Pelor's insignia enters the room. Her eyes were as green as old wood eaten away by fungi and algae. Her skin was smooth as silk, and her hair flew gracefully, black as ebony. She does not wear perfume, but her presence fills the room with a pungent aroma of wild flowers and decaying oak.

"Father, I have finished the books you have asked me to read, and yet they do not satisfy me..."

"Tromeira, the gods are unquestionable, and Pelor keeps his light as bright as ever. He protects us forever."

"The gods, hah! Where are these "gods"? Why aren't they here with us? Why can't they stop this war? They continue to hide in their places while their followers continue to suffer and die in this world."

"There are laws..." says the great Lord Azurre.

"But they are gods! Should laws bind them? Or are they not truly "Gods"?"

The high priest pounds on his desk. "You shall not question the gods before me! Not before the High Priest of Pelor. I have not christened you to bear my name just to contradict those which was written by the gods themselves. For Pelor is all, and none shall mock his greatness."

Tromeira shakes her head. The High Priest Azurre calms his voice. "Tromeira, you are young and confused. Someday you will be high priest. Before then, you will learn to keep the name of Pelor holy. For now, you shall continue your studies."

Tromeira turns her back on the high priest quite resentfully. She returns to her quarters, where books of old and new, of dead gods and living gods, are scattered. She heads to her bed, then uncovers something underneath. She opens it, and a smile that seemed filled with madness spreads on her face...

There was mourning the next day. The High Priest has been claimed by Pelor, died of a heart attack. The Great Lord Azurre has passed his throne to his daughter Tromeira.

Now, Tromeira continues his beloved father's work: to spread the word of Pelor all over Pharagos.
The Short Story

Lady Tromeira de Azurre, High Priestess of Pelor and adopted daughter of the late Lord Azurre, has made sure for years that the worshipers of Pelor spread throughout the land of Pharagos. For her first few years under Lord Azurre's watch, tromeira has been taught the values that Pelor favors. She trained under the blessed Radiant Guardians of Pelor, with the great Kaigar Druk'hal as her mentor. Kaigar Druk'hal disappeared, leaving Tromeira, a fledgling paladin, searching the world for its untold truths.

Recently, she was asked by the council of High Priests of Pelor to visit a newly discovered land now named New Selentia to continue the mission Pelor asks of her.

Little do the council knows that Tromeira has long spat at the Gods of all mortals, for they have forsaken her. She believes she has been thrown out by her kin to the humans to be eliminated. Now, she works for the destruction of all mortal living in Pharagos. By killing every living being in Pharagos, the Gods will be forgotten and cease to exist.

But before the destruction of Pharagos, Tromeira seeks two things: the land of the Faeries where she believes she truly came from, and the Treasure of New Selentia that, as Tromeira believes, has powers that will aid her in her goal.

Dark whispers has filled her room all the time, telling her that once she finds the dead bodies of the Old Gods of New Selentia, she will receive enough power to seize everything in the world and crush them within her palms.

She smiles, radiating her beauty to all that see her, confounding them with the madness that lurks beyond her dark green eyes.
"When I thought I was alone, I found love..."
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Lord of Pwnage

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Post Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 10:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote
(Stickied for convenience. This post will be deleted on Sunday.)
And I'm still, still longing. Still cold... so cold.
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Post Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 1:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote
boy_bakal wrote:
(Stickied for convenience. This post will be deleted on Sunday.)

When's this Sunday, btw? Razz

And also... is this campaign already finished? If so I will unsticky this and/or move on playbypost board.
solbergb on sorcerers:
"Whether it is true or not, all sorcerers seem to act as if their power is inexhaustible. It really annoys the prepared casters."
A druid on rogue:
"Foolish girl! I am a Druid, I have special abilities more powerful than your entire class!"
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He Who Founds Wyrmlings

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Post Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 1:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote
As DM, I have authority to say that this campaign is indefinitely postponed.
Nosfecatu Publishing
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