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Arcania in 4e
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He Who Founds Wyrmlings

Joined: 04 Dec 2006
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Location: Sa sikmura ng Bakunawa
Post Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:11 am    Post subject: Arcania in 4e Reply with quote
Originally posted by Revan; heavily edited to make sense in 4e:


Arcania is a magocratic city-state with a constitutional monarchy founded by sorcerors, warlocks, and other spellcasters who fled persecution in neighboring kingdoms. Citizenship is only given to magic-users with an inborn gift for magic, as opposed to wizards who earn their magic through study. Species is not a barrier, as at least two noble houses, Rotaphar and Axom, were founded by rakshashas and mind flayers respectively. The city would have been destroyed many times over had it not been for an alliance formed between the ruling House Vrahn and an ancient blue dragon (details in history). Traditionally neutral in world affairs, recent developments have turned it into an absolute monarchy, and may provide the Arcanians with the beginnings of empire.

Arcania's geographic position as a safe port on the Wild Coast between the Selentia and Lysea allows it to profit from trade as a middleman and safe-haven. Arcanians frequently hire out the services of talented specialists for varied tasks ranging from military to construction, all for handsome rewards. However, all this wealth is quickly consumed, as Arcania is also one of the world's largest markets for luxury goods. Unusual items and spell components are also major imports to the city. The continous flow of money in and out of the city has created a relatively laissez faire atmosphere that suits the typically freewheeling nature of the average sorcerer.

Outside of Pharagos, a city-state of naturally-gifted sorcerers is not that difficult to add. Arcania was thus left generic in name to fit with these other campaign settings with little difficulty; feel free to fashion a new name for it when using the city for your own game.

Arcania is a backdrop for paragon-level adventurers.


Below are links to the threats that I have designed for an Arcanian adventure. Note that I deviated from the norm somewhat by including the power source of many attacks (arcane in the majority of cases). Overall, I believe that such a small addition will not affect the game too much, while allowing these threats to make use of Arcane Fonts of Power. Besides, it's a nice flavor addition.

Arcanian Residents
Arcanian Citizen
Eldritch Knight

Blue Dragons
Arcanian Dragon

The primary requirement for citizenship as mentioned above is inborn arcane talent. Children are examined in childhood and adolesence for the manifestations of power, and if they cannot demonstrate any arcane talent, they are exiled, forever cast out from the inner city's walls. These "deadheads" are alternately reviled or pitied, and having one in the family line is a source of social stigma and a sign of weak blood.

Not all Arcanians are mighty sorcerers, most are really just minor mages with a few tricks up their sleeve (see the Arcanian Citizen, below). Still, there is a significant number of sorcerers and warlocks, much more in proportion than any other city in the known world.

Only citizens are provided the full protections of the law and free access into and out of the city walls. Foreigners and non-magic users are only allowed to reside in designated enclaves beside the harbor and outside of the walls. On rare occassions, outsiders may be given permission to enter, but one must be sponsored by another citizen who is considered responsible for the outsider's actions.

Arcania is unusual for its racial tolerance. Having a little dragon, infernal, celestial, or perhaps even all three in a person's bloodline tends to change perspectives as to what is normal and unusual. House Vrahn claims descent from the Matriarch herself, and has had a long line of dragonblooded traits breeding true. House Rotaphar was founded by a Rakshasha noble, and House Axom, a recent introduction, is led by a cabal of mindflayers. So long as one excercises certain restraint, (for example, House Axom makes it a point to consume only slaves or criminals slated for execution) nearly anyone is welcome.

Unsurprisingly, dieties with a connection to magic are the most popular in Arcania. The majority tend to worship Erathis, claiming that the their magically blessed, if small, civilization is a sign of being blessed by the goddess. There are also temples to Vecna, Corellon Larethian, and Raven Queen. The church of the Raven Queen has recently risen to prominence due to the Emperor's active support (just ignore the Emperor Vrahn's claim to the title "Consort of the Dark Sorceress"), and Vrahn has officially turned it into the state religion. Notably absent are the temples of more conventional gods such as Bahamut and Pelor. The Arcanians still hold a long memory of the anti-sorceror pogroms in Elenia. There is also a shrine to Tiamat where the blue dragons pay homage to the Dragon Queen. A final faith of note is that of Avandra. Though rarely the patron diety of the average citizen, there is a great respect for the Lady of Luck in Arcania for his ability as a wily survivalist and clever trickster. The rise in power of the Ravens has been matched by the rising popularity of Avandra, with the potential for conflict in the years ahead.

Few Arcanians really take religion seriously, as they are too busy with the business of making money or achieving personal arcane perfection. Priesthood is also noteworthy because it is one of the few paths that a "deadhead" child can take. Priests of dieties of magic are also considered as having fulfilled the "gift" requirement of citizenship.

203 Imperial Reckoning- Upsurge of anti-spellcaster sentiment in the kingdom of Elenia. Radicals among the churches of Bahamut, Pelor, and others launch pogroms against spontaneous spellcasters, decrying their infernal/monstrous/draconic connections. A large number flee south to the thinly populated Wild Coast.

A crusade army of paladins, clerics, and zealots pursue the refugees into the southern desert. As the crusaders swoop in for the kill, a shadow blots out the sky. A titanic blue dragon comes to the aid of the Arcanians and scatters the crusaders. After the battle, the dragon meets with the Arcanian leaders. The Arcanian leaders announce that they have entered into an alliance with the blue wyrm known only as the Matriarch. The full details of the agreement are a closely guarded secret of the Concilium Arcana, the city-state's governing body.

205 IR- A cluster of young blue dragons from the Matriarch's brood take up service in the Arcanian defense forces. In return for high rank, honors, riches, and the authority to boss around puny fleshlings, these blues serve short terms in the military. The Matriarch keeps these dragons in constant rotation so that no one has any real idea of the actual numbers that Arcania and the Matriarch can call up.

410 IR- The last public appearance of the Matriarch. House Vrahn, the dragon-blooded ruling house declares that she has gone into seclusion and is not to be disturbed. The upper levels of the royal palace (with aeries designed to accomodate a wyrm of the Matriarch's size) are sealed off and are under constant guard by elite Eldritch Knights. Though the Matriarch disappears, blue dragons still arrive in fulfillment of the dragon pact.

559 IR- House Rotaphar challenges House Vrahn for the throne. To head off civil war, Vrahn XIII, the Arcanian King, challenges the patriarch rakshasha of House Rotaphar to single spell duel. The rakshasha is defeated, the Vrahn claim to be the mightiest sorcerers in the city is proven to all.

595 IR- A "deadhead" child is born to the Vrahns. Questions are raised as to the Vrahn's right to rule. When Uriah grows to manhood without sorcerous powers, he is exiled by his father, Vrahn XIII.

614 IR- The Githyanki Incursion. A massive gith invasion force shatters the peace on Pharagos with an interplanar invasion. As many kingdoms fall, Vrahn XIII allies with the Gith, much to the dismay of many Arcanians.

615 IR- Malcontent forces within the Concilium Arcana stage a coup with the assistance of the exiled prince Uriah. The exile, now a skilled wizard and fanatical devotee of the Raven Queen, destroys his father in a resounding display of arcane might.

The Concilium then tries to install Uriah's sister Velenia as the lawful heir, pointing out the prince's lack of inborn spellpower. Uriah slays his sibling and binds her soul to his. In a short and bloody battle, Uriah, now a lich, defeats the Concilium, proclaims himself Emperor Vrahn XIV, declares war on the gith, and opens citizenship to wizards.

616 IR- In an intricate series of negotiations, Vrahn XIV secures an alliance with a force of mind flayers, who become the founders of the new House Axom.

617 IR- In the aftermath of the githyanki war, Vrahn XIV expands Arcania's military presence in the chaotic countryside "to restore peace and order to our troubled world". The Arcanians are welcomed by many as liberators, and set up colonies, townships, and garrisons.

618 IR- The Paladin War. Troubled by Arcanian expansionism and the Emperor's undead state, Elenian knights, paladins, and crusaders muster another crusade against the Arcanians. The crusade is soundly defeated, and the loss of so many nobles and leaders leads to the collapse of the Elenian state. Vrahn moves forces northwards to secure the borders and grab choice chunks of real estate.

Arcanian Military

Never an incredibly populous nation, the city of Arcania has traditionally relied on flash and displays of sorcerous firepower rather than mass and boots on the ground. The traditional Arcanian defense force was composed almost entirely of Eldritch Knights, elite forces trained and equipped to high standards, allowing an individual Eldritch Knight on a flying carpet carrying wands to stop entire platoons of invaders.

In the event that things become too tough for the Eldritch Knights to handle alone, the Arcanians call on their blue dragon allies. At any time, there are approximately half a dozen blues in the city's vicinity. As per the pact with the dragon Matriarch, the blue dragons agree to help defend the city, in return for honors and monetary tribute. The dragons are generally given an official officer commission and a small detachment of EK's to provide it support. Until the gith war, these were the only combined arms forces to integrate draconic support.

The gith war has shown the Arcanians some weaknesses of their approach, with their elite forces being overwhelmed, and their blue dragons out flown by reds. The Arcanians, and notably House Rotaphar, are experimenting with more traditional militias and mercenaries in their newly acquired territories.

Logistically, the Arcanians are not particularly advanced. Though they do have access to teleportion and communication magics, few sorcerers specialize in these, opting instead for flashier spells of devastation. Though their baggage trains may consist of hoverdisks and automata, these are still baggage trains and vulnerable to attack. Add to this the fact that the spellcasters tend to be a rather sybaritic lot, and you get supply trains weighted down with luxury items as well as spell components.

Arcanian Government

[These following parts are not as thoroughly thought out yet. Fire away if something sounds blatantly dodgy.]

Arcania's government is ostensibly an elected constitutional monarchy. The King or Queen of Arcania is supposed to be the most powerful recognized spellcaster in the city-state, as decided by the Concilium. The Concilium then proceeds to advise the new King on matters of state and public policy, with legislative powers going to the Concilium and executive powers to the monarchy. The reigning monarch may be challanged to a spell duel by an aspiring leader, with the Concilium's approval, the throne going to the winner.

While this system appears to allow nearly any talented sorcerer to take the throne, in practice, the throne has been locked down by the Vrahn dragonbloods since Arcania's founding through a combination of "carrot/stick" control on the Concilium as well as playing up their connections to the Matriarch, laying down rumors that the dragon pact will become null and void should the crown ever leave the heads of the Vrahns. Their rule has been challenged before, but through their resources, connections, and the undeniable strength of their sorcerous bloodline, no one has ever really been able to unseat them.

This old system has recently been shaken up by the present Emperor Vrahn XIV (formerly Uriah). Vrahn was cast out due to his lack of sorcerous power, but was able to seize the throne through the system of the spell duel. The new emperor is shaking up the system by granting citizenship to wizards, trampling the Concilium, and expanding Arcania's involvement into the directions of imperialism.

The Concilium:
The Concilium Arcana is composed of 100 chosen representatives of the various noble houses of Arcania city. Each House is allowed a single representative that is given a single vote, with a majority of votes required to pass new laws.

These Houses range in function from political entities like the Great Houses, to guilds and unions. Each citizen may join a particular house with the house's approval (usually through some sort of application system, depending on the house, may be hereditary or earned). The Minor Houses provide economic or social benefits, such as business connections, guild-style activities such as labor unions, etc. The Great Houses are the noble houses with enough political clout, wealth, and spellpower to bend other houses to their will. The distinction is not really an official thing, more a matter of perception. If a House gains great fame and clout, people begin referring to it as the "Great House __". If you instead lose power, you may slide into Minor House status.

While the Concilium and King theoretically possess enormous powers (ex. The Crown may confiscate and conscript just about anything and anyone in wartime), the highly individualistic natures of the average Arcanian run counter to any attempts to run a highly regimented system. The government has learned to rule with an invisible hand, taking little direct action in the lives of the average citizen and leaving the nobles with that much more time to plot against each other.

Law Enforcement:
[Here the specifics begin to elude me]

Judges: Chosen by Concilium, may judge cases so long as there is no direct connection to the judge and his House (ex. Plaintiff/defendant is from Judge's House, or a House with a current feud) Clerics are also generally present at trials, with the government paying them to cast special empowered zone of truth rituals to assist in trial and investigation.

Law Enforcers: In the old days, Eldritch Knights doubled up as peacetime law enforcers authorized to use magical means to investigate and solve cases. With the entry of House Axom into the city-state, a new division is under works. The Thought Police are a special cadre of mind-flayer inquisitors allowed to use thought probes, telepathy, and other highly intrusive telepathic methods to investigate crime. Evidence provided by the Thought Police must be backed up by evidence collected by other sources, such as physical evidence recovered by Eldritch Knights. While some hail the illithids for their efficiency in rooting out crime and corruption, others grumble at their intrusiveness and question their partiality, noting House Axom's ties to the throne, as well as the fact that not a single criminal allegedlly tied to the Axoms has ever been investigated by the thought police.

Restrictions on magic: Blatantly destructive magics are of course banned, but what about other stuff? Mind control should also be restricted, but through what means? Zone of truth is compulsory in investigations, since it is non-intrusive, but still not sure about stuff like detect thoughts and active probes of suspects and witnessess. Enforcement of such restrictions so far has been fairly rare in the campaign, as actual complaints are usually considered a sign of weakness and cowardice, things that few Arcanians would ever admit to. Any ideas and recommendations on this front?

Arcanian Power Factions

House Vrahn
The Vrahn sorceror-kings claim to be descendants of the blue dragon Matriarch, the protector of Arcania. Since the founding of the city, the Vrahns have kept their hold on power by virtue of political manipulation, the inherent arcane might of their bloodline, and exploiting their connection to the Matriarch. A relatively conservative lot generally concerned with the purity of their bloodline and spellpower, the Vrahn rulers have generally kept Arcania relatively isolated from the rest of the world. On the propaganda front, they frequently played up the fact that the magic of each citizen was a gift of their bloodline, encouraging a "chosen people" mentality among their citizens. Each Arcanian is better than the average member of their species, more than human. Of course, having the strongest bloodline and greatest arcane power, the Vrahns reason that they should control the affairs of the city state.

All this changed with the ascent of Emperor Uriah, the Fourteenth Vrahn. Vrahn has challenged the foundations of Vrahn and Arcanian philosophy by defeating his father, Vargus Vrahn XIII, the mightiest sorcerer in the land. Furthermore, Vrahn ascended to lichdom and opened citizenship to wizards, expanding Arcania's citizen qualifications to include anyone who can cast an arcane spell. When the Concilium tried to unseat Vrahn, he ruthlessly crushed their nascent rebellion. Vrahn then continued his whirlwind plotting by signing the treaty that allowed for illithid citizenship under the aegis of House Axom, declaring the Church of the Raven Queen the state religion, winning the war against the gith, and annexing territories to expand Arcania's borders.

Vrahn's "reforms" have more than their share of detractors, from the conservative nobles anxious to protect their old powers under the Concilium, to the average citizen upset about the state's expanding influence on their lives. However, Vrahn's actions have also brought great glory, wealth, and opportunity to Arcania. The Eldritch Knights proved to be a key force in the counter-offensive against the gith invasion, winning the Arcanians much foreign support. The expansion of Arcanian territories has brought in an influx of wealth and raw materials. It appears as if Vrahn has his sights well and truly set on the founding of a true Arcanian Empire.

Vrahn's closest allies are the hierarchy of the Church of the Raven Queen. A visionary and devotee of the Dark Sorceress, Vrahn has provided funding and official backing to the Ravens, a fact that rankles the other temples to no end. Most among the clergy are eager to reciprocate the favor, even though some are troubled by Vrahn's naming of himself as "Consort of the Raven Queen".

An unresolved issue is Vrahn's lichdom and the lack of any heirs (Vrahn destroyed his siblings during the Concilum uprising). What happens if Vrahn disappears or is destroyed? Who takes over? Perhaps most importantly, what does the Matriarch think of the fact that her sorcerous bloodline has been destroyed, with the murderer sitting on their very throne?

House Rotaphar
The lords of Rotaphar consider themselves second to none, including the wormbloods of House Vrahn. Founded by a rakshasha lord, Rotaphar has a long tradition of dominance and predation, gobbling up minor houses and suppressing all those who opposed them. True political animals, Rotaphar was the backbone of Concilum opposition to the Vrahns. Things eventually came to a head during the ascenscion of Vargus Vrahn XIII when Rotaphar's patriarch launched a coup attempt with Concilium support. The newly crowned boy king challenged the rakshasha to a spell duel. Vrahn XIII surprised many observers when he defeated the older and more experienced Rakshasha handily. Vargus then proceeded to clamp down on Rotaphar and their allies, resulting in major losses in Rotaphar's holdings, and a near slide into Minor House standing.

Morten, the current Baron Rotaphar, believes he has learned from the mistakes of his illustrious grandfather. Baron Morten has for the last twenty years kept a low profile for Rotaphar, rebuilding their shattered network of allies and expanding its contacts among the Minor Houses and the Eldritch Knights. Morten believes that with the people and the military on his side, rather than merely the Concilium, Rotaphar may now have the chance to take and hold the throne. Morten points out to his closest allies that the Matriarch did nothing when Uriah the lich exterminated the direct heirs of House Vrahn. Morten believes that the Matriarch does not particularly care who sits on the throne, so long as the city pays its dues to the dragon.

The recent military expansion of Arcania has been beneficial to Rotaphar, with many of their champions winning fame and glory in their offensives. Baron Morten himself has recently constructed a new keep in the north from where he intends to direct further expansion operations "for the greater glory of Arcania". Vrahn XIV has so far taken no action against one of his most effective generals. The illithids on the other hand, are another matter entirely...

House Axom
House Axom is a recent addition to the Great Houses of Arcania, a legacy of the Gith War. A cabal of mindflayers driven to desperation by Gith psi-slayers the Axoms attempted to negotiate/dominate Vrahn XIV. After a tit-for-tat exchange of severed tentacles and brain-dead skulls, the Axoms hit an agreement with Vrahn, becoming citizens of Arcania if they kept their tentacles off of loyal citizens and brought their grimlock hordes up to support the Arcanian war effort.

With the end of the Gith War, the mind flayers have been busy consolidating their position. On the economic side, they are using their contacts in the underdark to trade in unusual materials, poisons, spell components, and luxuries. The grimlock forces have proven their worth as sword fodder units providing cover to Arcanian soldiers and sorcerors. Their most controversial "contributions" to Arcanian society are the new Thought Police unit (see law enforcement) and their new use as the state's official executioners (though the great houses make it a point not to have the flayers eat someone who knows too much about their secrets).

The Axoms are still closely tied to the Vrahns, but they have been busy recruiting independent psions and sorcerors in an attempt to set up their own power base. They have also entered into frequent competition with House Rotaphar, the martial Rakshashas and cerebral illithid taking to an immediate dislike of each other. Whenever it can, Axom attempts to gain power/territory/influence at the expense of Rotaphar, and vice versa. Vrahn finds all of this amusing, especially since anything that distracts or weakens Rotaphar is to his advantage.

The flayers still have no idea what the Matriarch thinks of their intrusion, and are busy trying to find out as much as possible about the Matriarch, her plans, and her servants. Thus far, the blue dragons stationed in the city have rebuffed their efforts.

The Dragons
The Emperor, Concilium, and the noble houses all believe they run the city. However, all of them still pay their dues to the Matriarch's blue dragon kin. The dragons of Arcania are a feared and respected force in Arcanian affairs, granted deference, honor, tribute, and rank. All across the city are accomodations, business, and other structures designed to accomodate draconic customers and patronage. Shepherds consider it a high honor to have a blue gorge itself on the shepherd's own flock (with some adequate repayment), and jewelers and smiths construct ornamental plating and jewelry for the blues. Annual taxation includes a "dragon tax" used to pay tribute to the serpents.

Militarily, the blue dragons have great authority. The Speaker to Animals, the dragon designated as the Matriarch's representative (often shortened to Speaker), is considered second-in-command, next only to the monarch (though day-to-day military affairs are often handled by the head of the Eldritch Knights), and each dragon stationed is a Commander in the Arcanian military.

It is in the political arena that the dragons wield the greatest power. Major policy moves are almost always presented to the Speaker by the Concilium for the dragon's consultation. The dragon rarely provides any commentary, but may occasionaly say:

"This course of action may trouble the Matriarch because....""The Matriarch would prefer..."

Proposals are then duly modified. On the rare occasion that these comments are ignored, the blues have made their displeasure known. Forcefully.

Occasionally the Speaker, or another dragon may approach a Councilor saying:

"Perhaps it would be to the Matriarch's best interests to do...etc."

And these proposals are then speedily processed.

These "draconic vetos" are rarely and carefully used by the dragons. Given the choice between taking direct actions and making gnomic utterances, the dragons invariably go gnomic, leading to much speculation deference, and care among Arcanians in any matter that may involve the dragons.

In a real world analog, I've set up the dragons in a manner similar to the power that the American Embassy once held in the Philippines. During the old days of the Cold War, every politician would first clear his actions with the Embassy. No candidate would dare to make a serious push for national office without at least consulting with Ambassador, and American disapproval of a candidate meant almost certain defeat, and American approval of a policy meant its swift implementation. The younger dragons are sometimes seen, but rarely heard. Their whispers however have all the effect of a shouting command.

The Matriarch herself, I've left as a relative enigma, a campaign wild card, as well as the actual contents of the dragon pact itself. The blues and Arcania are bound by a pact of mutual defense, but the full details are something I may or may not work out. The Matriarch's plots, and her opinions on current events, are left unformed so I can shape them if/when necessary.
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Last edited by BJ on Fri Apr 17, 2009 4:30 pm; edited 9 times in total
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He Who Founds Wyrmlings

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Post Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:44 am    Post subject: Arcanian Citizen Reply with quote
Every Arcanian citizen has some ability to manipulate the arcane, and DM's can use the Human Mage (see the D&D 4E MONSTER MANUAL) when the party confronts their first Arcanians.

However, the human mage is no longer an adequate challenge for a party of paragon-level adventurers. The Arcanian Citizen, presented below, is a suitable replacement that shares the XP value of the Human mage while remaining a credible threat to the party.

Arcanian Citizen
Level 12 Minion
Medium Natural Humanoid (Human) XP 175

Initiative +10 Senses Perception +7
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion
AC 24; Fortitude 23, Reflex 24, Will 26
Speed 6

Staff (Standard, At-will) * Weapon
+15 VS AC; 4 damage

Eldritch Missile (Standard, At-will) * Arcane
Ranged 20. +17 VS Reflex; 7 force damage.

Human Persistence (Immediate Interrupt, Encounter)
Trigger: The Arcanian citizen takes damage Effect: The Arcanian Citizen makes a saving throw. On a success, the Arcanian Citizen takes no damage, and it is bloodied until the end of the encounter. If it fails, it takes damage as normal.

Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Draconic
Skills Arcana +12
Str 17 (+9) Dex 19 (+10) Wis 13 (+7)
Con 16 (+9) Int 12 (+7) Cha 22 (+12)

Equipment Robes, Staff
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Last edited by BJ on Sun Apr 12, 2009 10:47 am; edited 3 times in total
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Post Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 6:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote
solbergb on sorcerers:
"Whether it is true or not, all sorcerers seem to act as if their power is inexhaustible. It really annoys the prepared casters."
A druid on rogue:
"Foolish girl! I am a Druid, I have special abilities more powerful than your entire class!"
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He Who Founds Wyrmlings

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Post Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 9:35 pm    Post subject: Checklist Reply with quote
Yeah, I plan to flesh these out as much as I can. Next on the line are the Eldritch Knights (level 16 elite soldier) and the Arcanian Dragons (level 18 elite controller).

I plan to make stats for the following:

House Axom
*Sorcerer-thrall (level 14 Brute)
*Kaig'kul Axom (level 20 Elite Lurker)

House Rotaphar
*Eldritch Demon (level 18 Brute)
*Baron Morten Rotaphar III (level 24 Elite Soldier)

House Vrahn
*Emperor Uriah the Fourteenth Vrahn (Level 24 Elite Artillery)
*Princess Velenia, Bound Ghost (Level 24 Elite Controller)
*Emperor Gaerleth Axom, Bound Ghost (Level 24 Elite Lurker)

Blue Dragons
*Speaker to Animals (Level 18 Solo Skirmisher)
*The Matriarch (Level 28 Solo Controller)
Nosfecatu Publishing
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Last edited by BJ on Sun Apr 12, 2009 9:26 am; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 7:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote
Any plans on including the pit fiend usher?
solbergb on sorcerers:
"Whether it is true or not, all sorcerers seem to act as if their power is inexhaustible. It really annoys the prepared casters."
A druid on rogue:
"Foolish girl! I am a Druid, I have special abilities more powerful than your entire class!"
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He Who Founds Wyrmlings

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Post Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 2:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote
Nope. We could just use an MM pit fiend, I believe.
Nosfecatu Publishing
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Post Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 12:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote
How did you do this article's formatting? Is there a basis or did you make this up?

If you don't mind maybe we can adopt this formatting when doing BT tribes/nations/country/factions/etc like a template.

Having a template I think will make the fluffers' life much easier since they have a guide on how to do their work. What do you think?
solbergb on sorcerers:
"Whether it is true or not, all sorcerers seem to act as if their power is inexhaustible. It really annoys the prepared casters."
A druid on rogue:
"Foolish girl! I am a Druid, I have special abilities more powerful than your entire class!"
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He Who Founds Wyrmlings

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Post Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 9:02 am    Post subject: Format Reply with quote
The fluff itself is just an edited version of Revan's former work.

After the intro, I plan to put links on the stats that I will write. so that everything is accessible from the front page. That idea I got from Dicefreaks.

The monster template is the one I've been trying to enforce in BT. They're not too fond of it, though. :/

Other than that, the whole thing will be loosely based on a recent Dragon article called, Mithrendain, the City of the Feywild.
Nosfecatu Publishing
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He Who Founds Wyrmlings

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Post Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 10:44 am    Post subject: Eldritch Knight Reply with quote
The statistics below represent a Standard Eldritch Knight. PC's who find themselves on the wrong side of Arkanian Law will have to contend with the knights; depending on the situation, they can be accompanied by members of an enterprising house, flying astride Flying Carpets (see the D&D 4E PLAYER'S HANDBOOK), or at worst, riding astride Arcanian Dragons. Thankfully, dragons who would allow themselves to be ridden in such a fashion is rare.

Specific Eldritch Knights may vary from a standard by a level or three, and are likely elite threats.

Eldritch Knight
Level 16 Skirmisher
Medium Natural Humanoid (Human) XP 1400

Initiative +13 Senses Perception +17
HP 156; Bloodied 78
AC 30; Fortitude 27, Reflex 29, Will 30
Speed 6, (insert special movement)
Action Points #

Staff (standard, at-Will) * Weapon
+21 VS AC; 1d8+5 damage.

Eldritch Flame (standard, at-will) * Arcane, Fire
Range 10. +19 VS Reflex; 1d10+7 fire damage.

Eldritch Wind (standard, at-will) * Arcane
The Eldritch knight makes two staff attacks if it has moved at least 2 squares this turn. Each hit deals an additional 1d4 damage.

Eldritch Storm (Standard, Recharge ) * Arcane
The Eldritch Knight makes 4 basic attacks, each one against a different target, if it has moved at least 4 squares this turn. Each hit deals an additional 4d4 damage.

Baleful Prison (standard, sustain minor, encounter) * Arcane, Conjuration, Force
Area Burst 1 within 10. The eldritch knight conjures an impenetrable prison of force that fills the burst until the end of its next turn. Creatures can neither move nor teleport into nor out of the prison, and the prison blocks line of effect. In addition creatures that begin their turn in the sphere take 10 force damage.
The prison, though impenetrable, is not impervious to damage. Attacks against it automatically hit, and it has 100 hit points.

Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Draconic
Skills Arcana +16, Insight +17, Percaption +17
Str 13 (+9) Dex 21 (+13) Wis 16 (+12)
Con 20 (+13) Int 17 (+11) Cha 24 (+15)

Equipment staff, robes
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Last edited by BJ on Sun Apr 12, 2009 10:48 am; edited 1 time in total
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He Who Founds Wyrmlings

Joined: 04 Dec 2006
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Post Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 10:46 am    Post subject: EK up! Reply with quote
The eldritch knight is up, but I suspect that it will still be edited.

My main concern with it is the fact that Eldritch Prison is a controller attack. I plan to change it to something else, instead. Basically, human EK's will get that ability, while those from other races instead get the racial.

Oh, and moving into the Pharagos thread.
Nosfecatu Publishing
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He Who Founds Wyrmlings

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Post Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 4:29 pm    Post subject: Arcanian Dragon Reply with quote
The Arcanian Dragon, descendants of the Ancienct Matriarch, are required to protect the city-state by the Concilium Arcana. The number of years that they are required to serve is only known to a select few, but it seems to be a rite of passage that they must take before being allowed to strike on their own.

Because of this, the exact number of dragons serving Arcania at any given time are unknown. Most estimate that the number falls in between one or two dozen.

Unlike most blue dragons, Arcanian Dragons usually learn to fight alongside others of its own kind. Sometimes, they allow Eldritch Knights or members of House Vrahn to ride them; in the case of the former, it is clear that the dragon, and not the rider, is in charge.

Mechanical note: While higher-level than the Adult Dragons found in the Monster Manual, these elites are actually within the same age group. Indeed, they share XP values. The statistics below represent the same blue dragon when fighting as part of the group; it remians a credible threat throughout the paragon levels.

Arcanian Dragon
Level 18 Elite Artillery (Leader)
Large Natural Magical Beast (dragon) XP 4000

Initiative +13 Senses Perception +18, darkvision
HP 266; Bloodied 133
AC 32; Fortitude 33, Reflex 28, Will 32
Resist 20 lightning
Saving Throws +2
Speed 8, fly 10 (hover) overland flight 15
Action Points 1

Gore (standard, at-will) * Lightning
Reach 2. +25 VS AC; 1d8+7 plus 1d6 lightning damage.

Claw (standard, at-will)
Reach 2. +23 VS AC; 1d6+7 damage.

Lightning Breath (standard, at-will) * Lightning
Range 10. +23 VS Reflex; 2d12+4 lightning damage. This attack does not provoke opportunity attacks.

Draconic Barrage (standard, at-will)
The Arcanian Dragon makes two different basic attacks.

Bouncing Breath (standard, encounter; recharges when first becoming bloodied) * Lightning
Range 10. +23 VS Reflex; 4d12+4 lightning damage. Miss: half Damage. Hit or Miss: Make a secondary attack to up to two targets within ten squares of the primary target; +23 vs Reflex; 2d12+4 lightning damage. Neither the primary nor secondary attacks provoke opportunity attacks.

Conduct Through the Arcane (immediate interrupt, recharge ) * Arcane, Lightning
Trigger: An ally within 10 squares hits with an attack with the arcane keyword. Effect: The attack deals an additional 2d12 lightning damage.

Alignment Evil Languages Common, Draconic
Skills Arcana +17, Insight +18, Nature +18, Perception +18
Str 25 (+16) Dex 19 (+13) Wis 18 (+13)
Con 19 (+13) Int 16 (+12) Cha 23 (+15)
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Last edited by BJ on Fri Apr 17, 2009 4:58 pm; edited 1 time in total
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He Who Founds Wyrmlings

Joined: 04 Dec 2006
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Post Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 4:43 pm    Post subject: Arcanian Dragon is up! Reply with quote
The Arcanian Dragon is the elite equivalent of an adult blue; over the course of an adventure, both may be used to represent the same creature in combat.

Originally, the Speaker to Animals is still an Adult age-wise; although it is cloese to elder already. It will even be huge; so I wonder if I should just go ahead and make him an elder? That way I can advance him into a level 22 solo, which is about on par with the House leaders.

I'm also wondering if I should do stats for the 4th House; I can see a level 17 minion in the 4th house fanatic... Wink
Nosfecatu Publishing
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